Full Service Always Beats Self Service

Sure, competitions are a huge part of the SkillsUSA experience, and those competitive events really start to heat up this time of year. But leadership activities bear equal weight on the SkillsUSA scale, and those include community service.

The President’s Volunteer Service Award (PVSA) allows SkillsUSA advisors, students and registered alumni the opportunity to earn recognition for their community service and volunteer activities. We know you don’t perform this work to gain personal recognition, but sometimes that recognition can inspire others to get involved, too, and that leads to more service for those who need it. That’s the ultimate goal, right?

For more details, visit: tinyurl.com/skillsusa-pvsa. Get your application in by March 29, and you could be recognized on stage at SkillsUSA’s national conference this June in Louisville, Ky.


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