SkillsUSA Week Hits a Nationwide Stride

By recognizing, giving back, partnering, advocating and sharing stories, SkillsUSA chapters across the country celebrated SkillsUSA Week in style.
Photo courtesy of North Montco Technical Career Center.

During SkillsUSA Week 2022 (Feb. 7-11), chapters across the country engaged in experiences that honored their community supporters, connected with local business and industry professionals, shared SkillsUSA with their administrators and more. Here are just a few of the many inspiring examples submitted by advisors and students from across SkillsUSA Nation.

SkillsUSA Kansas: Fort Scott High School

Students and teachers at Fort Scott (Kan.) High School celebrated SkillsUSA Week in several ways. On Monday, students wrote notes of appreciation and delivered heart cards to every staff member at the school. On Thursday, students accepted the challenge to dress in ways that represented their career pathways. One of the most popular activities of the week was the “Pathway Door Decoration” contest, designed to help students learn more about each other’s career pathways and associated employment opportunities. Twelve classrooms participated, with the Construction and Manufacturing class earning the top prize: a 3-D trophy printed by the school.

SkillsUSA Mississippi: Franklin County Career and Technical Center

Students and teachers at Franklin County Career and Technical Center (FCCTC) in Meadville, Miss., celebrated SkillsUSA Week with enthusiasm. SkillsUSA advisor Kristie Jones said their week was full of activities. On Monday, the Construction and Carpentry class spotlighted the community and business supporters that assist with their programming. SkillsUSA members wrote thank-you notes and prepared personalized cups of treats for each, and students and advisors personally delivered the items.

On Tuesday, 10 SkillsUSA members from carpentry and welding classes baked cookies, prepared personalized cups filled with small gifts and treats for each staff member at the school, and personally delivered all the items. On Wednesday, students invited an alumni business owner to a “Lunch and Learn” session, where the former student shared how he started his own construction business. As a result, several students made personal connections for summer work and future career opportunities.

On Friday, SkillsUSA members met in the construction shop for a party with food and games. A business mentor came by to share his ping-pong and cornhole skills, and students enjoyed challenging each other in chess and checkers.

The chapter plans to celebrate Advocacy Day at the end of February by inviting over 100 middle school students to tour the center and participate in fun activities as they rotate through stations. SkillsUSA members plan to set up a station to promote the chapter and hand out information.  

SkillsUSA Pennsylvania: North Montco Technical Career Center

SkillsUSA advisor Nicole Lucas from North Montco Technical Career Center (NMTCC) in Lansdale, Pa., shared glowing reports from her chapter’s SkillsUSA Week celebrations. On Monday, students handed out candy to teachers to thank them for their dedication. On Tuesday, students collected food and cleaning supplies for a local animal shelter. On Wednesday, teachers welcomed business and industry guest speakers and virtual business tours. On Thursday, cosmetology students connected via Zoom with a past student who is living and working in Israel. Students were able to hear about her experiences in an Israeli salon. Students wrapped up the celebratory week on Friday by wearing red for SkillsUSA.

SkillsUSA Wyoming: Guernsey-Sunrise Public School

Students and teachers from Guernsey-Sunrise Public School in Guernsey, Wyo., celebrated SkillsUSA Week with exciting events for everyone. In fact, more than 50 percent of the students attending were not SkillsUSA members.

On Monday, students and teachers recognized Dakota Connor — their chapter president and state reporter — for his hard work and dedication this year. On Tuesday, students built four houses for pot belly pigs at a local animal rescue. On Wednesday, chapter officers recognized partners with plaques, certificates and thank-you cards. On Thursday, one of the chapter members wrote an article for the local newspaper about SkillsUSA and the importance of career and technical education. The article was then presented to the local school board by the chapter officer team. On Friday, chapter members ended the week by celebrating together with pizza, soda and ice cream.

SkillsUSA Rhode Island: Warwick Area Career and Tech Center

Students and teachers from Warwick (R.I.) Area Career and Tech Center spent SkillsUSA Week bringing the school together in creative ways. SkillsUSA members decided to make SkillsUSA Week a time for everyone to celebrate by creating a school spirit week. Some of the SkillsUSA-specific moments came on Wednesday, when each career and technical education class dressed in a specific color to identify their trade. On Friday, students upped the ante by wearing trade-specific clothes to represent their future careers.

SkillsUSA Georgia: East Hall High School

SkillsUSA students and teachers from East Hall High School in Gainesville, Ga.,  celebrated SkillsUSA Week by combining it with Career, Technical and Agricultural Education (CTAE) recruitment week.

The week began with SkillsUSA chapter president Naydelin Chavero and a handful of other SkillsUSA students promoting the CTAE programs available at the high school.

Next, the graphic design students worked as a team to promote SkillsUSA programs that encourage high school students to become career ready. In the school’s lobby, they set up a table filled with designs, jerseys, informational posters about SkillsUSA and more. Students who showed interest were given the chance to create their own vinyl sticker with the SkillsUSA logo on it, as well as a phone key ring. (Some may have even received some candy.)

The overall goal of the week was to encourage East Hall students to continue preparing for their futures while developing leadership skills, and SkillsUSA benefitted with new recruits.

Thanks to all our members who made SkillsUSA Week 2022 a return-to-form success! For more photos of the week from across the country, visit our 2022 SkillsUSA Week Flickr album.

Learn more about SkillsUSA Week.


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