
Sculpting Greatness

This SkillsUSA New Mexico gold medalist from the Navajo Nation is building a future on his own terms. His two main tools? Passion and skills.
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The “Three Señoritas” Team Up to Help Others

Three SkillsUSA Rhode Island sophomores who gave their time, energy and sustained effort over a whole school year to serve others in their community ended ...
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Supporting Their Futures with the Four Pillars of Leadership

During a transformative leadership academy, SkillsUSA California students ignite their limitless potential.
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Building a “No-Limits” Future for All

SkillsUSA Chief Diversity Officer Ricardo Romanillos, Ed.D., shares SkillsUSA’s commitment to inclusion in the year ahead and beyond.
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Greater New Bedford Students Use Trade Skills to Build a Partnership with the Community and Mother Earth

SkillsUSA Massachusetts members use their skills to serve both the community and the environment.
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2023 NLSC Sets Records, Changes Lives

The 2023 National Leadership & Skills Conference (NLSC) was the largest in SkillsUSA history, full of awe-inspiring, adrenaline-fueling and life-changing moments we’ll never forget.
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