Ask Chelle: A Commitment to Service

SkillsUSA Executive Director Chelle Travis has a long family history and nearly two decades of work experience in career and technical education. Got a question? She can help.
Chelle Travis

Q:What does SkillsUSA teach about the principle being a leader at any stage in life?

Chelle: SkillsUSA is first and foremost a leadership organization, and great leadership qualities can create success at every stage of life. Throughout my career, I’ve observed several common characteristics shared by student leaders, professionals and those who engage in leadership in their communities. When faced with challenging circumstances, these individuals answer with resilience, adaptability and a commitment to the service of others.

In this issue, you’ll read about SkillsUSA graduate and grandmother Jaqueline Limbrick, who responded to an unexpected tragedy by transforming her career path to better support her family. Like her, SkillsUSA member George Moslener engaged the support of his own family to navigate a crisis on his journey to district office. Both demonstrated great courage and resilience when uncertainty arose.

You’ll also read the story of Melissa Moreno, who remained committed to her goal of serving SkillsUSA’s membership during a dark time in her life. When she was confronted with cyberbullying while serving as a state officer, she could have let the attacks break her spirit. Instead, she persevered, and soon found herself elected SkillsUSA’s national high school vice president.

that good students, employees and citizens all start with a firm foundation built from solid technical skills and the opportunity to lead and serve others. Through service, you learn to cultivate relationships and practice crucial skills like time management, planning, organization and public speaking.

If you’re wondering how you can get involved in service, now is a great time for your chapter to start thinking about SkillsUSA’s National Week of Service. Held annually in May, this is an opportunity for SkillsUSA members across
the country to conduct and promote a community service project. I hope you’ll consider sharing stories of all of the great work you do this year. Information and resources are available at:

You can find opportunities to develop your leadership skills in the classroom, in the workplace and in your own hometown. When obstacles arise, find support, learn from your experiences, adapt, and, most importantly, remain committed to making a difference through serving others.

Got questions about SkillsUSA or other topics? Email or send a letter to the address on the facing page.


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