There’s an old saying that experience is the best teacher. The hands-on experience that’s synonymous with SkillsUSA is a testament to that fact. Sometimes, though, we can also learn valuable lessons through the experiences of others who’ve traveled the same roads we’re preparing to navigate, and that’s what SkillsUSA’s new “Pour the IndusTEA” program is all about.
In the first of what will hopefully be many Pour the IndusTEA events, SkillsUSA national officers joined forces with business and industry panelists to connect SkillsUSA teachers and students with successful industry role models sharing career-specific insights. After meeting for a general overview, participants of this nationwide virtual event broke into smaller groups organized by career cluster for in-depth panel discussions, Q&A sessions and an overview of trends and job outlooks specific to their industry.
Overall, more than 540 participants representing 14 career clusters participated, and social reach for the event extended to thousands more through Facebook and Instagram.
Find the career cluster below that represents your trade area and click to watch a recording of the panel discussion.
Classroom Activity
Choose a career cluster area and watch the video together as a class. During the video, students should take notes using this note-taking guide. After viewing the videos, initiate a class discussion where students share the advice that resonated most strongly with them. As a class, come up with a list of the 3-5 most important pieces of advice to be gleaned from the discussion.
Arts, A/V Technology and Communications
National Officer Host: Andi Soliz

Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources and Manufacturing
National Officer Host: Abigail Jensen

Architecture and Construction
National Officer Host: Cecelia Lausten

Business Management and Administration and Marketing
National Officer Host: Sarah Romanko

Education and Training
National Officer Host: Tarik Barnes

Health Sciences
National Officer Host: Aliyana Martin

Hospitality and Tourism
National Officer Host: Alexis Gamez

Human Services
National Officer Host: Xiomara Schultz

Information Technology
National Officer Host: Abberah Nasir

Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security
National Officer Host: Dianna Serrano

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
National Officer Host: Ryan Tinder

Transportation, Distribution & Logistics
National Officer Host: Kayla Ketterling